Wednesday, September 5, 2012


  When I was in high school I spent most of my free time in the library. I was even a library aid for two semesters. I gained the trust of our librarian and eventually was allowed to take home books before they were put into the system. I know that sounds insane but I have always loved books. I love that they can transport you to a different time or reality. I used to stick with the same sort of genre. I origanally had a thing for historical fiction ( I would read anything involving the wives of Henry VIII) and crime mysteries. As I got older I started reading just about anything. By the time I was a senior I had read 70-75% of my  high school library. It came to a point that I was asked which books would be good to order for the school. I still have a love of books, but unfortunately with all of my college school work I haven't been able to read as much as I would like to. So I am challenging myself to make more time for reading for fun. It used to keep my stress level down  to just sit and enjoy a good book. What about you? Are you a bookworm like me or does something else relax you?

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